Artist Statement

"A lap dog, a stray, someone's prize hunting dog……I paint what I know, what I've spent time with, what's around me."

My dwellings have always been country homes, usually a caretaker's house on large estates, where I have worked for landowners with a large menagerie of animals, domestic and wild. Part of my day, every day, is spent caring for horses and dogs. In other words, I live with what I paint. This provides an excellent source of inspiration for me. I have all my subjects right outside my door. I watch animals live their lives. I observe natural light and the way it plays with coat color on a hunting dog out in the field. I see the intent in the dog's eye when it's focused on the job. I witness the pride of the dog owner and see the animal respond to it. I look for the personality, spirit, "voice" and essence of each animal.

I study anatomy and physiology. I build my paintings from the inside out--talking to my hand and brush about organs, bones, tendons, and muscles and how those relationships form planes and shadows. This knowledge is attained from field observation, life drawing and painting, and photography. I try to understand my subjects, behaviorally and structurally. Finally I synthesize all the facts, all the observations into a composition with an interjection of emotion and technical prowess. My goal is for you, the viewer, to look at my work and feel like you know these subjects too.

From the wily Jack Russell to the hopeful stray, or if it's a commissioned piece of your own, I want you to not only see the likeness, but the spirit as well. I want to take you to a sentimental place….to the memory of a wet nose, a silky coat, a soulful eye, a special bond.